Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

There have been many amazing rescues in the history of humanity, but one stands above the rest and it is commemorated each Spring during the Easter weekend.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Technical difficulties

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with sermon postings. Please email the office if you would like to hear a previous sermon.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Christians and the Empty-Well Syndrome: Trading Stress for God's Peace

Dr. Kathleen Ruby from the WSU Veterinary School talks about how to manage stress in your life and how to fill your well with God. Part 1 Part 2

Monday, February 09, 2009

All Church Meeting Notes 2-08-09

Attraction v Promotion

Underlying issues
We talk about easily seen issues, but we don’t talk about the underlying factors. Who are we? Where did we come from?

Five Points
We have a purpose (individually and corporately)
We have a purpose to love God and join Him
We accomplish this purpose better together
We will find satisfaction while working toward our purpose
We have no promise of tomorrow

Winning/Building/Equipping: We need to bring people to Christ, build our body, and equip people to be ambassadors of Christ.

Do the three C’s work better? Communion/Community/Co-Creativity: Come together and realize that this is not an individual task. Understand that God is still active and has a purpose for us and this world.

“Cornerstone isn’t here for Cornerstone’s sake”

“Why send a doctor to a healthy person—it’s about Him and His Kingdom.” We should be reaching out to the people who need and are ready to know Christ.

“Are we equipping people to go ‘out there?’”

‘It’ is about the other six days—think Nascar...Sunday morning is the pits.

“What does it look like to be an ambassador of Christ? How do you reach a group of people who haven’t heard of Christ...who do not know Him?” Should we focus on the Sermon on the Mount and learn how to answer these to be Christ-like? Live 1 John 2:6

Should we look at the idea of Christian sponsors? “Every man needs a Barnabas and a Timothy.” (Read Timothy 2:2).

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Christianity Today Article

John Doty recommended this article by Richard Foster (author of Celebration of Discipline) saying it may give our congregation some insight into some of the topics of our discussions.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


In this message we learn about Ananias and his journey as a disciple of Christ. Ananias

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

All-Church Meeting 1/25

Who Are We?

We understand how we fit together as a body
John Doty: Look at what you’ve got
Everyone is here for a reason
We are the results of outreach
We’re primarily a church of young adults who know God
What kind of people do we attract? What kind of people should we attract? How do we attract these people?
graduate students
young families
young couples
young single people
middle-aged families
older families/couples
What are we good at? Let us stick to it!
Do we have a “Dare me to worship” attitude
Do we come to church only for ourselves?

What Can We Do? What questions we should ask?
How do we make Cornerstone a place that people want to call their home church?
This concern keeps coming up
How do we balance attacking v not approaching newcomers
How do we decide who does and doesn’t want to remain anonymous?
Spread ourselves throughout to church to give newcomers more opportunities to intermingle with us
Come to church with a passion for all things happening at the church...personal excitement
What other types of worship could we try?
How do we follow up on meeting people?
Change our mission statement: We are a welcoming church full of friendships. We are here to strengthen our relationship with God and knowledge of the Bible.
Give each other feedback
It is crucial that you let us know what isn’t working for you. A song, an attitude, something that is missing...
Comments for music team: Constructive criticism
Prayer before worship...Don’t rush in
Connect Bible verses to songs
Which key result areas should we focus on, if any? How and why?