Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More Congo

Several years ago a saying emerged regarding Cornerstone. It wasn't a witty statement nor was it something noted for its originality. None-the-less there was a sense that it was of God and it was for us. The saying is simply this:

"God wants to change the world by touching lives in Pullman."
This statement has proven true in a number of ways. Mainly in the number of people who move from Cornerstone/Pullman to other parts of the country (or world) and are involved in ministry where they now live. But it has also shown itself to be the case in our trips to serve in San Francisco or New Orleans. Lives have been touched.

Now we are looking at possible involvement in the Congo.

I am getting ready for the vision trip in July with the understanding it will be mainly about listening and learning from our Congolese brothers and sisters already ministering there. Discovering their hearts, their struggles and their victories while listening to the Lord about how we might help them do what He has called them to. I am excited about this.

Yet now the Lord has thrown in a little twist. As it turns out, we will be arriving just prior to a major pastor's conference and the conference has extended an invitation for the pastors on this trip to address the conference two different times. What a privilege! Although going from being an observer of the church ministry there to presenting at a pastor's conference is a little surprising, I find that I am really looking forward to it.

What has prompted this post beginning with the phrase "God wants to change the world by touching lives in Pullman" is that I anticipated this trip being a vision trip. A trip to learn how God might use us in the future to more directly "change the world". I did not think he might also want to use this trip now. But Abba Father can be surprising at times. Yet, then again, it makes sense when I look back on the emphasis we have placed on equipping believers that God might grant me an opportunity to do a little equipping on this trip.

But to do this means I will need your prayers. At present I know I will speak twice at the conference and preach both Sundays we are there as well (average service length is 2-4 hours, oh my!). But it appears there may be some other opportunities developing to encourage pastors as well. What this means is that the schedule is somewhat fluid, but that's okay, because God wants us there to serve. So, please be praying for me/us and the trip. Pray for protection, provision and guidance. For team chemistry and sensitivity to the Spirit and to the people. Most of all, for the Lord Jesus to be lifted high.

Adventure on!

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